Selfhelp Community Services

Supporting development for a historic social service organization.

Selfhelp Community Services
Grantwriting, target research, program planning

The challenge

Selfhelp Community Services is a historic institutional nonprofit providing social services, affordable senior housing, home care, Holocaust survivor services, and more.

Like many large nonprofits, Selfhelp staffs an in-house development department. Still, the pace of deadlines, the unpredictable demands of managing and renewing multiple large streams of government funding, and other challenges leave the agency in need of outside support to catch overflow work, keep up during the busiest seasons, manage high stakes proposal processes, and expand targets.

The solution

For more than a decade, our consultants have functioned as a critical members of Selfhelp’s development team. We have helped to nurture and expand Selfhelp’s multi-million grants portfolio, and guided directors in responding to high-stakes, multi-million dollar contracts from federal programs, New York State, and New York City DFTA, HRA, ACS, HASA, Nassau County DSS, and dozens of foundation and corporate funders.

We have been particularly engaged with Selfhelp’s Holocaust Survivor Program, continually improving Selfhelp’s articulation of their profoundly impactful services for this specialized population, which include trauma-informed and culturally adept case management, home care, chore and housekeeping services, social programs, and more. This work has led to major new and continuing funding from JFNA, UJA-Federation of New York, the Claims Conference, and many others.  

Our Impact

Our Impact

Our Impact

In government grants and contracts from NY State, NYC DFTA, HRA, ACS, HASA and more
per year from private and corporate funders

Let's build the future— together.